Hey blog! I discovered a new platform where i can go check out new audios and copy right free sounds to include in my film, and I think I found the perfect add on music to go with the flow!
I was browsing through dark creepy and ominous type of songs and this is it!!!!I will update you all on the progress of the addition of music!
It is my main priority as well as writing scripts for my CCR videos!
Talking about all these eerie music sounds, I thought it was a great idea for me to take sound effects as well as natural mystic sounding forest noises to the background when my protagonist goes outside to check for such haunted anonymous caller.
The buildup will be necessary for me to be able to create those haunted tones, especially in the October nights.
I have high hopes and will be changing these sound aspects and though you all should get more detail into this new part of my film.
Not only is it the sound effects that i looked for, but also music, I think it is a critical part of making it seem like a suspenseful and engaging film, the music is the most important part of it. You cant just have chill or relaxing music, it will confuse viewers and not get the point across.
I will keep you all in touch with my upcoming CCR's aswell!